Entrepreneurship in Africa is urgently needed to drive economic growth throughout the continent. The high level of unemployment has compelled many individuals to engage in entrepreneurial activities as a means of providing for themselves and their families. Entrepreneurship has emerged as the most sustainable tool for job creation in Africa today.
The World Economic Forum estimates that over 60% of Africans are 30 years old or younger, and each year, 10-12 million Africans enter the workforce, while only 3 million jobs are created annually. Furthermore, it is projected that by 2030, African youth will make up more than 42% of the global youth population. These statistics highlight the significant challenge faced by Africa as the least developed continent on Earth.
Nigeria, often referred to as the Giant of Africa, boasts the highest GDP and largest economy on the continent. With a population of over 200 million people, it also has one of the largest youth populations in the world. However, despite its impressive GDP figure, over 60% of Nigeria's population is below 25 years old and living below the poverty line of $2 per day. This indicates that economic development has not adequately reached the country's young and industrious generation, particularly the Millennials and Generation Z, who appear to be disconnected from the economic progress.
We have built strong ties among young people across the Globe who can and will shape a generation that can lead the World into greater prosperity and hope through community building, abundance technology and collaboration.
At Centaville, we have taken up the noble initiative of protecting our fragile earth by making it our duty to clean up the ocean and our environment overall.
Partnering with Centaville in the mission to transform and ignite needed change locally and as a result globally too, I believe it’s essential to recognize the importance of allyship as well as the continuity of mutual knowledge, talent, and unique vision exchange on a global scale.
We are focused on developing strategies and techniques to achieve the great vision and responsibility to push new narratives, build communities and expand potentials to build a better World.
New media and mobile entertainment are revolutionising the way people learn about the World, it is the connection point between people all over the World.
We understand that a thousand miles starts with a single step, it is why we started from Nigeria, the giant of Africa. We have mastered several strategies to inform the World about our fertile ground available for meaningful investments and showcasing our rich culture and heritage.
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